24 September
The IX European Researchers’ Night was held last 24th of september in more than 370 cities across Europe. This particular edition was named GREEN 9 NIGHT (G9NIGHT) due to the Euorpean Green Pact and most of the conferences and activities were dedicated to sustainability and environment. Within the framework of this event, the NEPTUNUS Project was presented to high school students (1º Bachillerato) from IES Villajunco (Santander) in an online conference.
The NEPTUNUS team of the University of Cantabria was represented by Ana Fernández, Cristina Campos and Jara Laso. They presented the framework of the Project and its expected outcomes. Besides, during the conference, concepts like Circular Economy and Water-Energy Nexus were developed with the students by some proposed activities. At the end of the conference, there was time for a Question & Answer section.