Academy and Not Profit Organizations


Alliances with Academy and Not Profit organizations with relevant data and experience on the seafood sectors are critical for the project success.

Escola Superior de Comerç Internacional

ESCI has a long-standing experience in the development of environmental policies and models, the assessment of the environmental, social and economic impact and the design of business tools to meet environmental requirements. ESCI, owing to its in-dept experience in European Projects, will act as critical reviewer of the NEPTUNUS project.

Asociación de industriales de conservas, semiconservas y salazones de pescado de Cantabria

The main skills of Consesa consist of the representation and defence of the Cantabrian canned sector interests, as well as the promotion of activities for the economic and social development of the canned sector and the development of activities to contribute to the sustainability of the sector. It will contribute to the project by establishing a powerful network with Cantabrian companies related to the fishing and transformation of the seafood and facilitating the application of the pilot actions to test the policies and strategies defined in the project.

Ecoembalajes España, S.A

Ecoembes promotes the environmental responsibility, increasing the economic efficiency of packaging management, fostering the collaboration between public and private enterprises, institutions and citizens. It enhances the implementation of good practices in the packaging management. Ecoembes will participate in the application of policies and strategies along the whole life cycle of packaging to optimize the management model of packaging and residues.

World Resource Forum

The WRF has participated in several projects and programmes, such as as the Sustainable Recycling Industries program, the CO2 and Resources project, the WRF Resource Efficiency Indices projects and the Sustainable Lifestyles program. The roll of the WRF in the Neptunus projects is to Advisie and asseses the strategies and policies developed in the project related to resources efficiency as well as the dissemination of the knowledge and project results throughout its information channels.

Organisation de Producteurs Pêcheurs d’Aquitaine

ANICP is an association that protects the interests of its members, canned fish industries, including: labour relations and collective agreements, institutional relations with the various public and private identities of all contacts with EU institutions related to the seafood sector. ANICP will collaborate in the data collection, facilitating information about its own processes and seafood products.

INTERBIO Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Regional association that gathers organic stakeholders. The objectives are to promote organic products, to support the introduction of organic products in school catering and to work on the organic value chain. INTERBIO will collaborate on the data collection, facilitating information about its own processes and seafood products.