In the last months, IPMA has been visiting secondary schools in Portugal to present and discuss the topics approached by NEPTUNUS project. Reaching already 120 students with 15 to 17 years old, from Lisbon and Viana do Castelo, the sessions followed a presentation about “SOS for consumers concerned about the future of seafood”. The main goal has been to raise awareness about the different environmental impacts from seafood production, contribution of food to climate change, and how much individual choices related to seafood can be more responsible.
It has been a great opportunity to improve students’ knowledge about fisheries and aquaculture production systems, but also to understand their taste and preferences related to seafood species, and their acceptance to less popular species that come with a relative higher environmental performance. We hope to receive more invitations to visit more schools next year and have the chance to discuss NEPTUNUS main results with younger generations.
Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias-Agualva Sintra

Escola Secundária de Santa Maria Maior

CED D.Maria Pia da Casa Pia