16th March
During 2022 a collaboration between AGACA (Galician Association of Agrifood Cooperatives) and USC (University of Santiago de Compostela) arose for the estimation of two environmental indicators: carbon footprint and water footprint, in 100 livestock farms in Galicia. As a result, four presentations were held during the month of February in different towns in the provinces of Lugo and La Coruña to explain the methodology applied and the main results obtained to the livestock farmers who were encouraged to collaborate.

In addition, the NEPTUNUS project was introduced during these presentations, since this study led to the elaboration of a paper in which a Water-Energy-Food nexus indicator for dairy farms was estimated. In this way, one of the main objectives of the project, which is to bring this indicator to other food sectors, was achieved.
The paper is entitled “Water – Energy – Food nexus index proposal as a sustainability criterion on dairy farms” , an open access article available here.