25th October
Rosa Quintana Carballo, sea councillor (conselleira do mar) of the regional government of Galicia (Xunta de Galicia) inaugurated this seminar along with the full professor of chemical engineering Gumersindo Feijoo Costa.

Gumersindo Feijoo Costa, vice chancellor of digital transformation and innovation and partner of the NEPTUNUS project, presented the Pescaenverde ecolabel, a success story that has already been implemented in several Galician fisheries, as well as the design of the new WEF nexus ecolabel.

Eduardo Rodríguez Fernández-Arroyo, director of urban and industrial ecosystems in Energylab and partner of the NEPTUNUS project, introduced different energy efficiency alternatives for fisheries fleets.

David Alonso Baptista, circular economy and sustainability researcher in ANFACO-CECOPESCA and partner of the NEPTUNUS project, shown the results of the environmental impacts having compared two case studies of the canned tuna sector: industrial and artisanal.

Marta Villaverde Acuña, vice director of fishing and fish markets of the regional government of Galicia, talked about the denomination of origin and quality for the Galician region: PescadeRías.

Sergio López García, executive director of the fishermen’s guild of Lugo (OPP-7), presented two success stories to highlight the value of deep-sea fisheries: Merluza D& Burela and Pescaenverde.

Pedro Ferreiro Velasco, director of fish markets in Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, addressed the origins and challenges about the certification, ecolabels and fishing improvement programs.