In the last months of 2021, the University of Santiago de Compostela participated in several dissemination activities to promote the objectives and achievements of NEPTUNUS project.
13 – 14 September 2021
The I Forum for the Promotion of Fish Consumption was commenced by the President of the Galician Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Throughout his speech he referred to Galician seafood products as protagonists of the Atlantic diet and key to maintaining a balanced healthy diet. He also highlighted the value of the development of forums which, from his point of view, are fundamental to learn more about the nutritional value and promote the study, research, and dissemination of the Atlantic diet for health and welfare of the population.
NEPTUNUS project was presented on the forum thanks to the lecture of Professor Gumersindo Feijoo (USC) entitled: “Fish, Atlantic diet and sustainability” for different potential stakeholders such as politicians, policy makers, reginal fisheries administrations, or academia.

VIII ARVI International Conference on the Future of Fisheries “European fishing on the Level Playing Field”
27 – 28 September 2021
At the end of September, Professor Gumersindo Feijoo participates in the International Conference on the Future of Fisheries in a speech titled “Ecolabelling in the seafood products in the definition of a healthy and sustainable diet”. Introducing the Water-Energy-Food nexus ecolabel to several stakeholders, such as to the regional fisheries administration or ship owners.

Cadena SER Radio (Foro Conserva): “Galicia in the face of the objective of responsible production and consumption”
18th November 2021
On 18th November Professor Maite Moreira gave a speech in a Spanish radio channel (Cadena SER) about the Sustainable Development Goal 12, titled “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”, speaking about ecolabels and doing a special mention to the NEPTUNUS project. This lecture was presented to different potential stakeholders such as canning, distribution and catering companies, being among the audience important figures of Spanish gastronomy such as the Michelin Star Pepe Solla.

Blue Atlantic Forum (BAF) – The discussion forum to create a sustainable growth from the Atlantic Ocean
24 – 26 November 2021
On 24th November Professor Gumersindo Feijoo gave a lecture on the Blue Atlantic Forum about “The European Green Deal: towards a Sustainable blue economy” dealing with issues such as the transference of knowledge about ecolabels in the framework of research projects of PescaEnVerde and NEPTUNUS. Among the stakeholders, were present at the event different fish markets of Galicia, the councillor for education and the rector of the USC, apart from the Michelin Star Lucía Freitas in representation of restaurant A Tafona.

Program Españoles en la mar on a Spanish Radio channel (Radio Nacional Española)
On 20th December Professor Gumersindo Feijoo gave a speech about “Seafood ecolabel and Christmas” for the general public in a Spanish radio channel, which was related with an article in the digital newspaper “The Converstation”: ¿Pescado y marisco para Navidad? Cómo elegir el más saludable y sostenible según su etiqueta