29th June 2023
Last 29th of June took place the final meeting of the Neptunus Project in Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal). It was a face-to-face meeting with some interventions online from partners who couldn’t attend.
During the morning, the main outcomes of the project were shown and discussed between partners. Moreover, the capitalization extension granted by Interreg Atlantic Area in November 2022, was the key topic. The use of the ecolabel in fish markets and restaurants, the WEF Nexus adaptation to new scenarios, and the use of the Neptunus tool WEF 1.0 (soon available in this website) along with the improvement of the LCA Database were the central issues of the meeting.

After lunch, Carlos Garea from Interreg Atlantic Area, showed partners the key issues regarding the 1st Call of the new Interreg Atlantic Area program. The next call will be out in 2024 and the idea of a new project that could enlarge and improve the results of Neptunus Project was slightly discussed among partners.
Once the meeting was over, partners visited Ostraveiro Aquacultura e Turismo, where they had the opportunity to see how oysters are breeded and to know a bit more about the characteristics of the aquaculture facilities. After the guided visit around Ostraveiro facilities, the attendants shared oysters and clams’ degustation.

The day ended with a networking dinner at the restaurant Cais da Tosca.
It was a great day and Netpunus Project couldn’t have a better closure, thank you partners from Universidade de Aveiro for your kidness and hospitality.